Three major companies compete for smart homes, Amazon leads, can help break market value trillion?

Apple, Amazon, and Google are the three largest technology giants in Silicon Valley in the US with market capitalization of 858 billion U.S. dollars, 768.6 billion U.S. dollars, and 720.2 billion U.S. dollars. In particular, Amazon is experiencing rapid growth. It has successively caught up with Google and Microsoft to become the world’s second largest company. Second only to Apple, however, some analysts on Wall Street even said that Amazon will be earlier than Apple and other companies, becoming the first company whose market value exceeds 1 trillion US dollars.

Artificial Intelligence Strategy
In the past year, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft have soared in market value, thanks to artificial intelligence strategies. Among Internet companies, Google is taking the lead in developing artificial intelligence and transforming in this direction. Globally, Google’s AI technology is the most powerful. It not only uses AI technology to improve existing Internet products and services, but also invests and acquires in this direction, including DeepMind, a globally-acclaimed British artificial intelligence innovator. The acquisition of 400 million U.S. dollars resulted in the acquisition of AlphaGO, the God of Go, which has captured the world of chess and pointed out in some authoritative reports that DeepMind has the highest level of AI technology in the world.
In addition, Google’s Google’s brains, driverlessness, and AI chips are at the forefront of the industry, not only driving Google’s growth in information flow and performance, but also favoring Wall Street for artificial intelligence and setting a record high for market value. Once more than Apple, the world's largest company, at the same time, Wall Street analysts optimistic about the market value is expected to exceed trillions of dollars.
However, Amazon’s artificial intelligence landing ability is stronger, making it surpass Google and Microsoft, becoming the world’s second largest company, and is expected to surpass the giants such as Apple, Microsoft and Google, and the market value exceeded US$1 trillion first. Amazon's success in artificial intelligence lies in the integration of AI voice assistant Alexa and Amazon Echo smart speakers. Amazon smart speakers occupy the majority of U.S. households, with a market share of 66%, and it is also the world’s first shipment exceeding 10 million. Scale smart speakers, smart card smart home.

Three companies aim smart home
It is based on the Amazon artificial intelligence landing smart home scene success, Google, Microsoft and Apple have joined the smart speaker, as the first Google to follow up, also grabbed the vast majority of American home users, accounting for 30% of the share, Amazon and Google almost monopolized the US market.
As a smart home market with a scale of up to several trillion, it is an area where the Big Three in Silicon Valley actively expand. Apple relies on the HomeKit smart home platform and combines more than a billion of loyal fruit powders globally. It hopes that Siri will become a ubiquitous AI assistant. .
Amazon and Google competed for the same smart home strategy. In the early days, Google had purchased smart home innovation company Nset for $3.2 billion. This represents the acquisition of Google's smart home dream, which did not materialize, and ultimately imitated Amazon, with voice assistants and smart speakers. The combination of ways to attack the city, to occupy more American families.
Today, Amazon and Google's smart home battle is even fiercer, even Amazon in the e-commerce platform to block Google-related smart home products.
At last
In the United States, the three giants of Amazon, Google, and Apple have formed a major rivalry, but in China, Yang Jianyong, a senior expert in the Internet of Things, describes it as a “hundred” box war, despite the fact that the giant smart speakers jointly launched by KTX and are The earliest manufacturers in the country to follow up on the Amazon model have not yet formed scale. However, after Lenovo, Xiaomi and BAT have introduced smart speakers one after another, the domestic market pattern is expected to be accelerated under the advancement of giants, among which Ali's Tmall Fairy sales have exceeded 1 million, setting a new direction for the industry.



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